
Example: Capacity assignment minimizing maximum link utilization, with linear cost constraints


This algorithm obtains the capacity assignment that minimizes the maximum link utilization rho in the network, so that the network cost is limited to a maximum budget C_{max}.

The network cost C is the sum of the costs of the links C_e, where the cost in a link grows in a linear form respect to capacities:

 C = sum_e C_e
 C_e = (alpha + d_e beta ) u_e


  • alpha, beta: are cost factors, input parameters to the problem.

  • d_e: is the length in km of link e

  • u_e: is the link capacity in Erlangs

The algorithm solves the following formulation:

Decision variables:

  • lbrace rho_e , e in E rbrace: Utilization in the links

  • rho: Maximum utilization in the links

 min rho
 sum_e (alpha + d_e beta ) y_e frac{1}{rho_e} leq C_{max}
 rho_e geq 0 quad forall e in E
 rho_e leq rho quad forall e in E
 rho leq 1

The previous formulation is a convex program respect to the lbrace rho, rho_e rbrace variables, and is solved using CVX. The algorithm requires CVX solver installed and running.

Download .m file: ca_minimaxUtilizationLinearCost.m